Are you familiar with the term “greenwashing”? It’s a term modeled after whitewashing and used to describe businesses who spend money and energy on looking like they’re green/energy efficient, but whose actual policies and actions aren’t actually very green.
You’ve probably seen signs like this in hotel rooms that invite guests to reuse their towels in order to save water and protect the environment. This is a great practice that cuts energy waste and saves water (not to mention labor expenses) without inconveniencing patrons.
But… when the faucet is dripping, the bulbs are still old incandescents, and your room is so air-conditioned it feels like a meat locker… how sincere is the business, really, about environmental protection? Savvy customers noticing such discrepancies can damage your business’s reputation or brand.
We don’t mean to be negative about businesses that are just starting to operate more efficiently. Everyone starts somewhere! However, businesses should make sure their rhetoric doesn’t get too far ahead of their practices.
Only honest communication with customers and staff about your sincere greening efforts builds goodwill.
What’s the opposite of greenwashing?
We don’t have a word for this, but we know many businesses fall into this category. They’re putting in the effort and work to make their organization efficient. But they’re too quiet about it! You need to talk about your efforts, and here are some ideas on doing that. It’s not bragging—it’s telling your story to show the world what your business stands for.
You don’t want to be in either category. So put in the real effort, tell people about the how the sustainability work your business is doing helps the planet and your community, and inspire your peers to follow suit!
The post Is Your Business Guilty of Greenwashing? appeared first on Michigan GreenLine.